A virtual reality (VR) application, which is currently in a pilot phase with various clinical-facing institutions, provides immersive and engaging therapy intended to help individuals with ASD build real world skills. If proven effective, the application would be an affordable supplement to traditional therapy that is fun and engaging for the user, while allowing a supervising adult to monitor and guide the activities.

Powered by VR – immersive & repeatable, providing context difficult to replicate in home or therapy.

Supervised Experience – with each VR session, a supervising adult can follow along and monitor on a separate device. This means therapy that is transparent and safe to use.

Affordable – current mobile VR price points makes it an accessible therapy supplement that is teletherapy ready.

Data Collection – provides never before captured analytics to help families and therapists compare progress over time.

Proven Therapy Based Content – through a proprietary process translating proven therapy curriculum into VR content:

  • Building Social Connections
  • Teaching Stories
  • Sensory-Based Therapies

Building Social Connections

Learning modules based on established autism therapy techniques that users can return to again and again. These lessons focus on developing skills for better social reciprocity and engagement by practicing discrete skills.

Teaching Stories

Providing interactive stories that teach users how to manage planned and unplanned scenarios. These teaching stories place the user in real world interactions and guide them through everyday interactions in a way that is fun and effective.

Sensory-Based Therapies

VR scenarios where the user can experience calming and engaging environments. Providing unique sensory-based therapies that delight children and adults alike.

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